5+ Reasons to Enter a National Contest from The Next Level Brothers


Ever think about entering a national contest in your art form? We are D’Angelo McCornell and Martel McCornell (The Next Level Brothers), two, real life brothers, from Cleveland Ohio who are full time film students at the Art Center College of Design in California. Here is our entry into a national contest and our top five reasons for doing the official Crash The Superbowl Doritos 2014 Commercial Contest:

30 SEMI Finalists CHOSEN MON NOV 17th–RATE–SHARE–LAUGH The Bold vs The Old

(This is an original piece of art produced by student filmmakers as a contest entry. This is not an actual, endorsed commercial by Doritos, Frito-Lay or any of its subsidiaries.)

1. It’s refreshing to do something new. You never know who you might meet or inspire in the process.

It’s Next Level to get Quality work done and to be proud of it. When we decided to try our hand at the contest we knew exactly who we wanted to star in the Leading Role. The super amazing Peggy Glenn! We were super thrilled once we developed our concept and didn’t look back. We are in college but we teach at a local public high school and do motivational speaking all the time. We always encourage our students to submit their work to contests, because they have the ability and deserve the opportunity. You already put in the work. It boosts your confidence. Go for it!

2. There is always a Win/Win situation.

Even if the contest doesn’t tally by judges in your favor you do WIN friends, supporters and put a positive wave of energy in the Universe. The world will feel that you are passionate about what you do. We just put one foot in front of the other and keep taking shots. You will find out that you have found success, it starts from the inside.

3. You up your game.

We are crazy busy with school and working and trying to make it happen all day every day, but having a deadline always makes you push even harder. You somehow find the time, find the creative solution, the resources you need, and best of all you end up reaching out to folks you might not normally think about to ask for help. Some of those contacts end up being important to your future. Contests won’t make or sustain your career for the long term, but at the right time and place they can give you a boost.

4. Entering a contest forces you to find new resources and create new relationships.

We are always optimistic on coming up with solutions to get the job done. Some of the best creativity comes from being under pressure. We ended up meeting a wonderful 7 year old named Joseph who was a superstar for us. We also managed to spark a great relationship with a Championship Semi Pro football team Inglewood Blackhawks they were super cooperative.

5. National contests are high visibility, resume builders and add to your body of work.

Right now for us it’s all about building our reel and body of work. We want to create professional, polished pieces to include in our reel and using a nationally named product adds to the feel of legitimacy. Showing the commercial we made to other people has really widened our circle of support. Friends tell friends, and before you know it people are telling you stories about when they did something like this and then who knows, maybe the next time they are hiring they think of you and you might get a job.

Plus, we love our family and friends and the support, energy and hope they send your way is really inspiring and fun.

Do we want to win the Grand Prize? Sure we do, but you know for sure you won’t win anything if you don’t enter! Attitude and vision is everything for us. Being goal oriented and positive is how we get through the day and overcome the hard stuff that life can throw at you sometimes.

**** Let’s take this Grand Prize home to inspire the world. It is possible. But we can only do it with your help….Haha so RATE and SHARE our commercial link below now! Thanks.


***More info on The Next Level Brothers website: http://nextlevelbrothers.com/?p=957

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