The Art of Politics – Presidential Survey of Artists by Acceptd


Acceptd, an artist network of young artists, professionals, arts education programs and cultural organizations with nearly 200,000 members, has launched a nationwide survey of artists to help match their political ideology to a presidential candidate.

The 2016 presidential election is shaping up to be one of the wildest in history. With both major party candidates polling with low approval numbers, independent candidates making a bigger impact than ever and a new scandal seemingly popping up every day, it’s hard to make sense of it all.


Advocating for artists is front and center at Acceptd. This survey will provide insight into what candidate views most closely aligns with those artists who participate. When artists vote at the end of the poll, they will be helping to send a message about the power artists hold in this and every election.

“The voices of young artists will be heard by the presidential candidates and hopefully the issues that are important to them will be brought to the forefront of public debate,” says Acceptd Co-Founder and President, Don Hunter.

Artzray is collaborating with Acceptd to engage artists through participation in the survey so their opinions on critical issues in the upcoming election will have collective impact. The survey results will be distributed to national media, the parties, the candidates and our 200,000 members. Hunter feels that “Our mission is to serve artists: dancers, actors, musicians, vocalists, cinematographers and visual artists. We recognize that public policy can have a great impact on the role of art in our society. We wanted to help give artists a voice on the issues most important to them during this turbulent election.”


Acceptd is a Columbus, Ohio based platform connecting artists with thousands of colleges, festivals, scholarships, and professional opportunities.  Acceptd is used by some of the most prestigious universities across the nation including NYU and Juilliard.

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