The Most Relatable Musicals for Millennials

Best Musicals to See Over the Holidays
Most Millennials might be known for their serious commitments to Netflix, but that doesn’t mean the musical theater genre has to die. For the generation that is known for having the attention spans of goldfish, the idea of sitting through a 2-hour spectacle of flamboyant singing and dancing may not be the most appealing. But, if you give them a chance, musicals, whether they are new phenomenons or old classics, can be more relevant than you may think. Here are some of the most relatable musicals for all Millennials, and ones that are especially good to check out when home for the holidays.
How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying

The title alone is enough to summarize the attitudes of Millennials entering the workforce. While we are living in a highly competitive society, we are also living in a time where jobs are more desirable than careers. What does this mean? Well people want to work in what they are passionate about and what they really enjoy. And passions can change; they’re not always permanent.
Les Miserables

A.K.A. Everyone Dies, Especially the Women and Children: The Musical. I’m not saying that Millennials will be sentenced to die via famine, battle and tuberculosis, but this generation does have a tendency to be a bit over dramatic. Is Starbucks out of Chai Tea Lattes? Life OVER. Did you accidentally shrink your favorite sweater in the wash? SO done. I jest, but whether Millennials face big or small issues, the flare for the dramatic and the misery will definitely be there.
Avenue Q

Millennials may associate Sesame Street with their childhoods, but Avenue Q explores what would happen if the Sesame Street characters literally grew up with us. This show hypothesizes a world where these puppets actually interacted with people in the real world, and ventured into more adult and mature themes than PBS would allow. Millennials are around the age where the transition from childhood to adulthood can be a bit overwhelming and intimidating, and Avenue Q delves into these feelings while adding humor to take the awkward edge out of seeing childhood characters talk about sex.
Guys and Dolls

Gambling and romance – two of Millennials’ favorite things. This 1950s show still has a lot of cultural relevance for anyone, particularly any Millennial, who has had one of the world’s many vices effect their personal lives. Young people like to gamble, whether that’s in Las Vegas, or just “casual” bets with friends, but either way, things can get complicated, especially when love lives get tangled in the mix.
West Side Story

Have you ever dated someone who your parents absolutely despised? If yes, you can probably relate to West Side Story (though hopefully the outcome of your story was less dramatic and extreme). Whether you’re a Jet or a Shark, it makes sense for Millennials to want to take a walk on the wild side in regard to romantic exploration. It’s almost a rite of passage to have your own “Romeo and Juliet” scenario, no matter how trivial or extreme.
Next To Normal

Millennials are self-proclaimed weirdos and crazy people. They rarely describe themselves as “normal.” This play explores mental the theme of things being a lot different than their surface appearances. While “Next to Normal” takes this in a more serious and dramatic direction, Millennials will most likely be able to relate to this theme on either a more casual or a serious level. The play also focuses on a family in which two members are teenagers, which Millennials will definitely relate to.
Legally Blonde

All Millennials know the famous “Legally Blonde” movie, and the musical is similarly enjoyable and relatable. You don’t have to be an overly bubbly sorority girl to find this show’s plot and themes relevant. Anyone who has gone out and tried to accomplish a goal in order to prove something to another person, but in the process found out more about yourself and reorganized your priorities to do things for you will appreciate and understand this show.
The Book of Mormon
Written by the creators of “South Park,” this musical is guaranteed to make even the most serious soul shed some tears of laughter. If you’re a Millennial, you’re probably at a stage where you’re questioning organized religion, and becoming more independent in your beliefs. “The Book of Mormon” may be a satirical comedy, but for Millennials, it may teach you about being open-minded and actually learning about other people’s beliefs. You don’t have to agree with someone’s beliefs in order to understand them or respect someone else’s personal decisions.